Disney’s highly anticipated animated sequel, Inside Out 2, is set to make history as the first Disney film to be released in Arabic when it premieres in Saudi Arabia on June 13. The announcement comes as Disney unveils an all-Arabic cast for the film, marking a significant milestone in Arab cinema.
The animated sequel, produced by Disney and Pixar, will be screened in cinemas across the Kingdom in Arabic, with premieres also scheduled in Egypt and Kuwait. This move highlights Disney’s commitment to diversifying its content and catering to a global audience.
Inside Out 2 follows the success of its predecessor, which captivated audiences worldwide with its imaginative storytelling and heartfelt themes. The film explores the inner workings of the mind through the emotions of its characters, offering a unique and entertaining cinematic experience for viewers of all ages.
In addition to the Arabic premiere, Inside Out 2 will also be released in English across the Middle East, ensuring that audiences have the option to enjoy the film in their preferred language.
The cast for the English-language version includes a lineup of talented actors, including Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke, and Diane Lane, among others. Meanwhile, the Arabic voice cast, featuring fully Arab talent, will be announced soon, further adding to the excitement surrounding the film’s release.
As anticipation builds for Inside Out 2’s premiere, Disney fans across the region eagerly await the opportunity to experience the beloved characters and imaginative storytelling in Arabic. Stay tuned for updates on the film’s release and voice cast announcement.
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