
Arise UAE, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), hosted a transformative event on December 5, 2023, at The Sustainable City, Dubai. Themed “Resilience in an era of uncertainty: partnership for a more sustainable world,” the event featured a keynote address by Dr. Sujit Mohanty, Chief of Branch-Intergovernmental Processes at UNDRR, Geneva, setting the stage for a insightful panel discussion. Distinguished participants, including Dr. Saood Quraan, Mr. David Greenall, Ms. Rima Nssair, Mr. Keith Norman, and Don Iveson, shared perspectives on collaboration and partnerships amid global challenges.

Rebuilding a greener economy and fostering a sustainable world for future generations has been a global policy focus since emerging from the pandemic-induced recession. For Vivek Tripathi, an industry veteran in oil and gas, this is not just a policy statement but a call to action, one that he passionately embraces. In 2021, Tripathi founded Olive Gaea, a venture dedicated to assisting businesses in narrowing their climate action gap, driven by a personal commitment to contributing to a more sustainable world.